Friday, August 5

Week of 8/3-8/9


Sweet Corn 6/$1
Bartlett Pears $.99 lb
Kiwi Fruit $.34 ea
Organic Mini Carrots $1.50
Romaine, Red or Green Leaf Lettuce $.99 ea
Portabella Mushrooms $1.50 ea


Albertsons Milk $1.57

Banquet Pot Pies $.69

Food Should Taste Good Chips $2.50
$1/2 Food Should Taste Good, PDF
Final Price:As low as $1.50 ea after coupon

Gallo Salame  $2.99

Santa Cruz Organic Limeade or Lemonade $1.50

Clorox Clean-Up Cleaner with Bleach $2.50 -$2/2 in-ad store coupon
Final Price:$1.50 ea wyb 2 after coupon

Formula 409 $2.50 -$2/2 in-ad store coupon
Final Price:$1.50 ea wyb 2 after coupon

Clorox Disinfecting Wipes $2.50 $2/2 in-ad store coupon
Final Price:$1.50 ea wyb 2 after coupon

Pine-Sol Cleaner $2.50 -$2/2 in-ad store coupon
stack with:
-$1/1 Pine-Sol, 28 or 48 oz
Final Price:$.50 ea wyb 2 after coupons (2 manufacturer coupons & 1 store coupon)

Mix & Match Event: Buy any 8 items, save $4:
Pillsbury Moist Supreme Cake Mix or Brownie Classics $.69 -$0.40/1 or $1/2 Pillsbury Frosting or Brownie Mix, exp. 9/30/11 (RP 06/12/11)
Final Price:As low as $.19 ea wyb 2 after coupon

Select Kellogg’s Cereal $1.99

Sara Lee Classic White or 100% Whole Wheat Bread $1.39

Kraft Deluxe or Velveeta Dinners $.99

Ocean Spray Cranberry Juice Cocktail $1.49

Kraft Salad Dressing $1.49 -$1/2 Kraft Dressing 5/15/2011 RP Insert (exp 8/12/2011)
Final Price:$1 ea wyb 2 after coupon

Kellogg’s Pop Tarts or Fruit Snacks $1.99
-$1/3 Kellogg’s Pop-Tarts or Pop-Tarts Mini Crisps, exp. 9/18/11 (RP 07/24/11)
Final Price:$1.66 ea wyb 3 after coupon

Capri Sun or Kool-Aid Jammers $1.67

Pillsbury Creamy Supreme Frosting $.99 -$0.40/1 or $1/2 Pillsbury Frosting or Brownie Mix, exp. 9/30/11 (RP 06/12/11)
Final Price:As low as $.49 ea wyb 2 after coupon

Planters Peanut Butter $.99

Blue Bunny Ice Cream, Sherbet or Novelties 2.99 -0.55/1 Blue Bunny Novelty Ice CreamBlue Bunny 7/4/20118/31/2011
-$1/1 Blue Bunny Novelty Carton, exp. 9/30/11 (SS 06/26/11 R)
-$0.75/1Blue Bunny Premium Ice Cream or Novelty, p.89   All You  June 2011
Final Price:As low as $1.99 ea after coupon

Nabisco Chips Ahoy, Ritz or Snack Crackers $1.99

Keebler Soft Batch Cookies, Vienna fingers or Cinnabon Bars $1.99

Crystal Light Drink Mix $1.99

Jello Gelatin or Pudding, 6 pk $1.99

Folgers or Dunkin Donuts Coffee $7.99 -$1/2 or $.25/1 Folgers Coffee Products, exp. 8/14/11 (RP 07/10/11)
Final Price:As low as $7.49 ea wyb 2 after coupon

Martinelli’s Sparkling Lemonade $.99

Gold Peak Tea or Nabisco Snak Saks $1.49

Jimmy Dean Sausage $2.99 -$0.55/1 or $1/1 Jimmy Dean Fully Cooked Links or Patties, exp. 9/30/11 (RP 07/24/11)
-$1.50/1 or $.75/1 Jimmy Dean Fully Cooked Product, exp. 10/31/11 (RP 03/06/11)
Final Price:As low as $1.49 after coupon

Hillshire Farm Rope Sausage $2.99

Smucker’s Uncrustables $.99

French’s Yellow or Spicy Mustard $1.49 -$0.30/1 French’s Classic Yellow, Spicy Brown, Honey, Horseradish, Honey Dijon or New Dijon Mustard, exp. 8/31/11 (SS 06/19/11) (regional)
Final Price:$1.19 after coupon

Planters Trail Mix $1.49

Mother’s Cookies $1.99

A1 Steak Sauce $2.99

Keebler Sandwich Crackers $1.99 -$0.75/2 Keebler Sandwich Crackers, exp. 9/18/11 (RP 07/24/11)
Final Price:$1.62 ea wyb 2 after coupon

Special K Cracker Chips $1.99 $1/2 Kellogg's Special K Products
Final Price:$1.49 ea wyb 2 after coupon

All-Bran Crackers $1.99

Dannon Greek Yogurt $.69

Suave Shampoo or Conditioner $1

Arm & Hammer Deodorant $1

Colgate Toothpaste $1 -$0.35/1 or $.50/1 Colgate Toothpaste, exp. 8/13/11 (SS 07/24/11)
Final Price:As low as $.50 after coupon

Clorox Bleach $1.49

Always Pads or Tampax Tampons $2.49 -$0.50/1 Tampax Product, exp. 8/31/11 (P&G 07/31/11)
-$1/1 Always Pads, exp. 12/31/11 (P&G Sampler)
-$2/1 Always Pads, exp. 9/30/11 (P&G Sampler)
Final Price:As low as $.49 after coupon

Degree or Dove Deodorant $2.49 -$0.75/1 Degree Men or Women Anti-Perspirant & Deoderant exp. 8/28/11 (RP 07/31/11)
Final Price:$1.74bea after coupon
-$2.25/3 or $.75/1 Select Kellogg’s Cereals exp. 8/21/11 (RP 07/10/11)
-$1/3 Select Kellogg’s Cereals, exp. 9/4/11 (RP 07/24/11)
Final Price:As low as $.99 ea after coupon
Found this offer and I'm super excited about it. I use these all the time- for everything. Just sign is and get your free sample. You can never have enough Post It's.
This is a must if you shop at JC Penny's. They will send you coupons that you can print as many times as you want. Print a few before you finish up your back to school shopping.

 Sign up for JC Penney Savings Newsletter, and get great store/online offers including new brand launches and coupons delivered directly to your inbox. Register today and save!

Every Friday is Mega Swag Bucks Day (MSBD), which means better odds of winning our BIG Swag Bucks denominations! Simply search naturally, and with a little luck, you'll be winning large bills starting at 20 Swag Bucks and up.
Saturday, July 30

Sneek peek at Sunday's Coupons. There are *four* inserts this week!!!
Get our shopping plans ready.
Walmart has Gain Fabric Softener Sheets $1.87 -40ct. Use your -$1/1 Gain fabric softener/sheets coupon from RP 7/10 and you get them for $0.87! I really stock up on these when I can. They are the most talked about (envied) thing in my stockpile. So, now all of you can start your own stash.

Week of 7/31-8/6

Skinny Cow Singles $.99, Get $.99 ECB -B1G1 Skinny Cow Singles Chocolate Candy, (RP 07/31/11 #2)
Final Price:2 FREE after coupon & ECB

Bic Soleil Shimmer Razor starter kit or cartridge 4ct $5.99, get $3 ECB (Limit 1) -$3/1 Bic Soleil Disposable or Soleil System Razor,  (SS 07/10/11)
-$2/1 Bic Soleil (SS 7/31/11)
Final Price:As low as FREE after coupon & ECB

Gillette Fusion ProGlide $9.99, get $5 ECB (Limit 1)
-$4/1 Gillette Fusion Cartridge,  (P&G 07/03/11)
-$4/1 Gillette  Fusion ProGlide Razor,  (P&G 06/05/11)
-$4/1 Gillette Fusion ProGlide Razor, (P&G 07/31/11)
-FREE Gillette Fusion ProGlide Shave Prep wyb Cartridge, (P&G 07/31/11)
Final Price:$.99 after coupon & ECB plus FREE Shave Prep
Friday, July 29
These may no longer be available at end of month so print them now if you are going to need them.

I've only been on the computer about 2 hours today and already earned 41 swag bucks! I love Fridays! You can score extra big every Friday just by searching the web. For those of you that are on the fence, it's easy. Just sign up, load the tool bar and use it like you would your normal search engine. Done. That's it. Now you can get paid for something you do anyway!

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Zulily is not a traditional online store. Instead, they feature new items every day. They find great buys from lots of brands and work with them to ship you the goods. Zulily events last 72 hours . . . then they're gone! New brands move in and get their three days on the site.
Each weekday, they offer at least five limited-time shopping events. Membership is free.
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Thursday, July 28
Norton 360 Antivirus
My antivirus plan just expired. I found this and signed up for the free trial. I have always used Norton. Running an online business means we have to make sure our systems are virus free at all times. The identity card function is great when you are signing up for coupon sites or newsletters. It automatically fills in all your information and saves loads of time.